Thursday, July 19, 2012


You know what's extra fun about living with a tween-narcoleptic? Mood swings! Crying, giggling, asleep, bouncing off the walls, hysterical, sobbing, talking nonstop.  It's like an acting class over here every day!  I'm sure all those living with tweens and teens experience this, but sleepiness and the meds certainly make it extra fun! :)  Here's to my mantra:
"God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change,Courage to change the things I can,And wisdom to know the difference."


  1. Hey there! Congratulations on your new blog! Writing is definitely a great way to release some stress, not to mention a wonderful way to encourage others dealing with the same thing you are. Keep writing and hang in there-being a tween is hard enough in itself, but to have to deal with narcolepsy on top of it makes it a million times more difficult, which you already know :-) Just know that things do get better, be kind to yourself and remember that you are so much more than what you see on the outside. I'm giving you a shout out on my blog so hopefully you'll be able to find some encouragement in that. Keep your chin up girl ;-)

  2. Thanks I needed that. IKR!!! Being a tween is hard enough! You know school, stress , and just being a girl. But then I have narcolepsy times cataplexy times matabolism and times nes nighttime eating disorder equals STRESS ATTACK!

